Vertigo: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Vertigo: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Have you ever experienced that sudden, overwhelming sensation that your surroundings are whirling around you uncontrollably? If so, you’ve officially joined the unpredictable, profoundly unsettling ranks of the vertigo club – a dizzying condition where seemingly everyday activities like standing up or rolling over in bed can become intensely difficult.

For the unlucky ones who experience vertigo, it can feel like a drunken, sickening free-fall into an alternate dimension where basic balance, coordination, and spatial awareness get thrown completely out of whack. Not an enjoyable experience by any stretch of the imagination.

So what exactly causes vertigo? And perhaps more importantly, how can you find your way back to solid, non-rotational ground? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo refers to the unshakable feeling of vertigo motion or spinning – even when you’re physically stationary. It’s quite the cruel cosmic prank masterminded by your inner ear’s semi-circular canals.

These ultra-sensitive fluid-filled tubes inside your skull essentially act as your body’s inertial guidance system, continually communicating head movements and orientation to your brain. When tiny disturbances in fluid levels or debris crop up and throw this finely tuned canal messaging out of sync, vertigo occurs.  

Symptoms of Vertigo

Beyond the quintessential feeling that you’re incessantly tumbling head-over-heels, vertigo often brings some other pretty unpleasant side effects along with it, including:

    • Nausea and possible vomiting
    • Sweating
    • Headaches
    • Rapid pulse and breathing
    • Balance problems and unsteadiness
    • Trouble focusing vision
    • Hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in ears)
    • Persistent dizziness and loss of coordination

While vertigo “episodes” can last anywhere from a few measly, very unwelcome seconds to a full-blown 24 hours or more, the experience is universally disconcerting – especially when it strikes out of the blue.

One minute you’re minding your own business going about your day like normal, and bam! That deep inner ear disturbance hits like a ton of whirling, sweat-inducing bricks.

Vertigo Treatment

The Most Common Causes of Vertigo

While rarely an indicator of any serious underlying condition, tracing vertigo’s origins does help illuminate why our inner ears love pranking us from time to time:

    • Inner Ear Disruptions: Many vertigo culprits trace back to the maze-like semi-circular canals that makeup the inner ear’s vestibular system for balance and motion detection. Things like fluid buildup, inflammation, calcium debris, or head injuries can send false signals of movement when you’re still. 
    • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): This temporary yet outrageously named vertigo subtype occurs when tiny calcium crystals dislodge into the wrong part of the inner ear canals, transmitting false spinning signals when you change head positions.
    • Migraines and Other Neurological Conditions: Migraines, head trauma, multiple sclerosis and other brain/brainstem impairments can cause vertigo by disrupting the processing and regulation of our balancing signals. Nothing like a little neural scrambling to make the room spin, huh?
    • Meniere’s Disease: This relatively rare inner ear disorder involves a triad of vertigo symptoms like ringing ears, hearing loss, and that pukey amusement park feeling from fluid buildup deep inside the labyrinthine canals. Thankfully it’s episodic, even if they can last for hours.
    • Anxiety Disorders: While not necessarily their primary origin, things like panic attacks, PTSD, and other anxiety conditions can trigger secondary vertigo episodes from the mental toll of hyper arousal, stress hormone release, and disturbed sleep cycles. 
    • BPV: Episodes of persistent vomiting and associated dehydration from viruses, food poisoning, or morning sickness can absolutely make the world start spinning out of control.

Vertigo Treatment

Obviously, getting to the root cause of your spinning sensations requires medical expertise and thorough testing. But there are some general tips and treatments that can help alleviate vertigo misery in the meantime:

1. Home Remedies & Prevention 

    • Avoid sudden head movements that make vertigo worse
    • Find a quiet, dim space and limit visual stimuli during attacks
    • Stay hydrated and avoid excessive salt
    • Practice low-impact exercises like tai chi or yoga to regain balance
    • Use canes/walkers for stability when vertigo hits
    • Identify and avoid dietary/medication triggers


2. Medical Treatments

    • Prescription anti-nausea, anti-vertigo medications 
    • Physical therapy
    • Guided head maneuvers and exercises
    • Certain injections to reduce vertigo attacks
    • Cognitive behavioral therapy to manage vertigo anxiety

For patients experiencing persistent or severe vertigo issues in the Chandigarh/Punjab region, Hale Clinics provides the best Vertigo Treatment in Mohali. This state-of-the-art facility specializes in treating all varieties of vestibular and balance disorders, ear infections, and other ENT problems contributing to dizziness and vertigo. Led by some of the Best Neurologist in Chandigarh, Hale’s multi-disciplinary team takes a truly holistic, personalized approach to pinpointing vertigo’s roots and crafting sustainable treatment plans.


Don’t resign yourself to a lifetime battling that merry-go-round of dizziness, spinning rooms, and nausea. Reclaim your steady footing and stop the perpetual vertigo loop once and for all by visiting the skilled crew at Hale Clinics.

Because feeling like your entire world is swaying, rocking, or twirling with no end in sight is quite possibly one of the most unpleasant experiences imaginable. And it’s high time you showed those pesky vertigo symptoms who’s boss!


Q1. What is Vertigo?

Ans. Vertigo refers to the unshakable feeling of vertigo motion or spinning – even when you’re physically stationary.

Q2. What causes vertigo?

Ans. Many vertigo can be traced back to Inner Ear Disruptions, but there are also reasons that cause vertigo including migraine, panic attack, PTSD, and other neurological conditions.

Q3. Can migraine cause vertigo?

Ans. Migraines, head trauma, multiple sclerosis and other brain/brainstem impairments can cause vertigo by disrupting the processing and regulation of our balancing signals

Q4. What are the symptoms of vertigo?

Ans. Symptoms include Nausea, sweating, headaches, balancing problems and vomiting.

 Q5.  How to prevent vertigo?

Ans. Stay hydrated, minimize salt consumption and avoid sudden head movements that make vertigo worse.