Nutrition And Diet During Pregnancy: Essential Guidelines

Nutrition And Diet During Pregnancy: Essential Guidelines

Congratulations, mama-to-be! If you’re reading this, then probably you’ve got a very special little plus-one aboard for the next nine months. And while your body is making extra efforts to nurture that blossoming bundle of joy, it’s your responsibility to be more careful about your diet and nutrition. Look, ideal nutrition for the two of you during this critical window impacts everything – from your baby’s development and birth weight to protecting your own health and energy levels as that due date approaches. In this blog, we will explore what foods you should eat and what to avoid to maintain a healthy Diet During Pregnancy.

Understanding Your New Nutritional Needs

So what does proper pregnancy nourishment actually look like from a numbers perspective? Here’s a quick snapshot of those increased daily requirements according to most professionals:

Diet During Pregnancy

The Pregnancy Super-foods to Stock Up On

With those main micro and macro targets in mind, let’s explore some wholesome, nourishing “Eating for Two” essentials to make grocery shopping seamless:

    1. Eggs: Affordable, versatile, and just an all-around excellent source of pregnancy nutrients like folate, choline, and protein for developing baby cells. Whether scrambled, poached or hard-boiled, eggs are a no-brainer breakfast choice. 
    2. Sweet Potatoes: Basically nature’s prenatal multivitamin, these orange tubers are loaded with vitamin A to aid baby’s growth while providing energy-sustaining complex carbs. Sub them for regular spuds when craving fries or hash browns!
    3. Lean Meats: With their abundant protein, iron and zinc supplies, foods like chicken, lean ground turkey/beef and pork tenderloin all make regular pregnancy protein all-stars to keep you energized. 
    4. Citrus Fruits: Vitamin C does wonders for your immune system plus helps you absorb available iron from food sources more effectively. 
    5. Avocados: Speaking of healthy fats, these creamy green superstars deliver big on folate too. Whether smashed for toast or blended into smoothies, their nutritional resume is tough to top.
    6. Greek Yogurt or Curd: More protein, more calcium, more probiotics to potentially reduce pregnancy discomforts – you can’t go wrong stocking up on this as a versatile morning meal or snack. 
    7. Leafy Greens: You’d struggle to find a more concentrated nutrient source than deep-colored leafy options like kale, spinach and cabbage. Their folate, fiber and vitamin stores turn salads into superfoods.
    8. Whole Grains: Don’t ditch quality carbs like oats, brown rice and quinoa! They provide steady energy alongside pregnancy essentials like fiber and B vitamins to keep you both thriving. 
    9. Berries: Whether blueberries, blackberries or strawberries, these antioxidant powerhouses feature vitamin C, fiber and folate making them low-calorie pregnancy superfoods ideal for snacking.
    10. Seeds and Nuts: Don’t overlook these nutritional gems rich in zinc, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids – all essential for a baby’s healthy brain development! Options like walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and extra virgin olive oil also work wonderfully.   
    11. Milk & Fortified Alternatives: Ensuring you hit those daily calcium targets is a must, making milk and alternatives like fortified plant milks crucial for bone development and pre-eclampsia prevention.
Diet During Pregnancy

Those Foods to Pass On (For Now)

Of course, part of knocking your pregnancy diet out of the park means having the willpower to identify and avoid certain foods or substances that could pose a hazard to your growing baby’s development too. 

While not an exhaustive list by any means, here are some general dietary no-nos to steer clear of:

    • Undercooked/raw protein to avoid foodborne illnesses
    • Unpasteurized milk and foods made with unpasteurized milk 
    • Raw and undercooked seafood, eggs and meat
    • Over the Counter Medicines
    • Alcohol of any kind – sorry, just hold off for 9 months!
    • Excess caffeine beyond 200mg per day or so 

When in doubt, check in with your doctor. For professional consultation, schedule an appointment with Dr Anshu Syed, who is the best Gynaecologist in Chandigarh


Pregnancy nutrition is all about steadily and consistently fueling both you and your baby with the ideal collection of vitamins, minerals, and hydration day-in and day-out. Finding that sweet spot between consciously wholesome nutrition and fully enjoying the journey of savoring cravings is absolutely achievable! So don’t take excessive stress, but do stay mindful of emphasizing those all-star prenatal eats that shower your growing offspring with nourishment and developmental support. 


Q1. How many extra calories should a pregnant woman consume daily?

Ans. Pregnant women should consume about 2400-2800 calories daily, which is an increase of 300-400 calories compared to non-pregnant women.

Q2.What are some pregnancy superfoods?

Ans. Some pregnancy superfoods include eggs, sweet potatoes, lean meats, citrus fruits, avocados, Greek yogurt or curd, leafy greens, whole grains, berries, and nuts and seeds.

Q3.Why are eggs considered a good food for pregnant women?

Ans. Eggs are an excellent source of pregnancy nutrients like folate, choline, and protein, which are essential for developing baby cells.

Q4 .What foods should pregnant women avoid?

Ans. Pregnant women should avoid undercooked or raw protein, unpasteurized milk products, raw seafood, eggs and meat, over-the-counter medicines, alcohol, and excess caffeine.

Q5 . Why are berries recommended during pregnancy?

Ans. Berries are antioxidant powerhouses that provide vitamin C, fiber, and folate. They are low-calorie pregnancy superfoods ideal for snacking.