How To Treat Low BP At Home Quickly

How To Treat Low BP At Home Quickly

Have you ever stood up too fast and suddenly felt faint, woozy, and like you might pass out any second? Maybe your vision went a little spotty and dark around the edges too? If so, you’ve experienced a classic bout of low blood pressure – and it’s not a fun sensation at all! For the millions of people dealing with […]

Rainy Season Health Tips: Preventing Cold and Flu

Rainy Season Health Tips: Preventing Cold and Flu

You know the signs – people around you are starting to sniffle, cough and blow their noses constantly. Kids are getting sent home sick from school in droves. Every pharmacy is stocking up on medication for fevers, aches and nasal sprays. That’s right, the cold and flu season is back again, just like it arrives every year without fail. In […]