The puberty timeline: Recognizing Early and late Developments
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Teenage is considered the hardest stage of life. There are many new experiences and emotions in every teen. Things seem to happen too fast as you shift from adolescence to adulthood, but do you know the most challenging part for all teenagers? Puberty. It is a complex but significant process that involves major physical, emotional, and psychological changes happening in an adolescent’s body over several years, at the end of which the body reaches reproductive maturity.
What is puberty?
Puberty is a phase during which a person’s body matures physically and mentally. Typically, puberty begins between 8 and 15 years in girls and 9 and 16 years in boys. Many changes take place in the body. These changes are classified into physical, emotional, and psychological changes.
Let’s look at when puberty starts and how it begins to show in the early stages.
Stages of puberty in males:
There are three stages of puberty in males Early puberty, middle puberty, and late puberty—these stages typically start when the boy enters his teenage. Many changes happen during this time that play a significant role in developing the physical and mental features of a male and shaping their personality.
The table below shows all the stages, their ages, and visible changes that occur in men during that time:
Stages of puberty in females:
There are three phases in female puberty also. Similar to male puberty, female puberty also happens in the early, middle, and late development stages. Females also enter puberty in their initial teenage years, lasting till the end of their teenage.
The table below shows all the stages, their ages, and visible changes that occur in females during that time:
Premature and delayed puberty
Premature puberty is when a child experiences puberty before the normal age. (The normal age of puberty ranges from 8 to 15 years for girls and 9 to 16 years for boys.) This may lead to the child growing faster than other kids their age. The child may suffer from bullying and shame from peers. Premature puberty can occur due to:
- Brain abnormalities: In some conditions, like brain radiations and tumors, the brain may single the pituitary gland to start puberty early.
- Genetic conditions: Many genetic conditions may cause increased hormones and hence cause premature puberty.
Early puberty can increase the risk of metabolic disorders, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, overweight, and obesity. It can also increase the risk of breast and endometrial cancer.
Delayed puberty
Delayed puberty is when the sexual development of teens starts later than normal. Usually after 15 years in girls and 16 years in boys. This can happen for various reasons, like:
- Chronic diseases: Many chronic diseases like thyroid, diabetes, and kidney diseases may slow down hormonal growth.
- Cancer treatments: Chemo can also result in delayed puberty.
- Malnutrition: Not getting enough nutrition, diets, and eating disorders may also result in delayed puberty.
Puberty is a meaningful process for every teenager; it shapes an individual for adulthood. This topic might be taken lightly, but puberty is complex, and every parent should support their child through this transitional phase of becoming a reproductively mature adult. Premature and delayed puberty sometimes happen due to various factors and should be taken normally as each child grows at their own pace. However, it is best to consult a specialist to avoid any risks and keep your child safe from any related conditions.
Contact a pediatric endocrinologist for expert advice and consultations to avoid potential issues.
Q1. What is premature and delayed puberty?
Ans: Premature puberty is when a child begins to sexually develop before the normal puberty age, and delayed puberty is when a child starts to develop after the normal age of puberty.
Q2. What is the timeline of puberty?
Ans: Typically, the timeline of puberty to start is between 9 and 11 years of age and ends at 14 to 16 years old.
Q3. What is early puberty?
Ans: Early puberty is when the process of puberty starts before you have reached the typical age when it starts.
Q4. What is late puberty?
Ans: Late puberty starts after you have achieved the age when it typically ends.
Q5. What are the three stages of puberty?
Ans: The three stages of puberty are: early puberty, middle puberty, and late puberty.