Types, Symptoms, Prevention and Cause of Obesity

Types, Symptoms, Prevention and Cause of Obesity

Do you know that over 70 million adults in India suffer from obesity, and they are still unaware of it? Being overweight is a chronic disease known as obesity. Obesity is a chronic disease that occurs when someone has too much body fat, which can lead to serious health problems. It’s a condition where a person’s weight is greater than what’s considered healthy for their height. 

Through this blog, let us spread awareness and vital information about this chronic disease. 

What is obesity?

Obesity is defined as having too much body fat, which can lead to diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer, among other illnesses. This complex disease may result from many factors, such as the environment, dietary choices, exercise habits, genetic factors, and choices of exercise. 

Weight loss can improve and prevent health problems. You may change some habits, including diet and increasing physical activity. The doctor may provide you with several medical aids, such as some medications or medical procedures to promote your weight loss.

What are the causes of obesity? 

Some unhealthy choices and habits result in chronic conditions like obesity, which include many things that you do in daily life, but you should be aware that these are the causes of obesity:

    • Consumption of excessive calories: Having calories in your food more than your body needs is a primary cause of obesity. Foods that are high in sugar and high-calorie or highly processed foods and drinks regularly are the main causes to trigger obesity.
    • Lack of physical activity: Spending more time doing still activities such as watching TV, playing video games, and other activities involving less movement can also be a reason to gain weight. 
    • More stress: In stressful conditions, your brain and body react to it by making more cortisol hormones that manage hunger, and as comfort food, you eat high-sugar and high-calorie food, which leads to obesity. 
    • Genetics: Obesity can result from a few uncommon genetic disorders, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, a congenital condition that can induce extreme childhood obesity
    • Lack of sleep: When you sleep, your brain keeps your hunger urges under control. So sleeping less can result in more hunger, and you eat meals more than necessary, which also brings more calories than needed. 
    • Disabilities: People with disabilities have less physical activity along with physical limitations and a lack of specialized education, which can lead to obesity.
    • Specific medications: Many medications for certain conditions, such as antidepressants, steroids, anti-seizure medications, etc., also lead to severe weight gain and cause obesity.
A person performing sit-ups on a fitness mat, promoting physical activity as a key strategy for preventing and managing obesity.

Types of obesity

Body mass index, also known as BMI, is a quick calculation that measures body mass based on weight and height. It is divided into different classes based on ratios. There are many calculators available online where you can measure your BMI. Some of the BMI classes to identify your obesity are:

BMI Class Health status
Below 18.5
Low-risk obesity
Moderate-risk obesity
40.0 – higher
High-risk Obesity

Symptoms of obesity

 There are many common symptoms of obesity that you might not notice in your daily lives, but they can lead to many critical conditions and chronic diseases. Read below and make sure that you are healthy; however, if you find any of these happening to you, then do not wait to consult a doctor. 

  • Weight measurements: If you find your BMI more than normal for your age, you might be suffering from obesity. 
  • Physical symptoms: There are many physical symptoms indicating tiredness and weakness, which might be a symptom of obesity: 
    • Breathlessness
    • Excess sweating
    • Snoring
    • Difficulty in moving
    • Fatigue
    • Joint and back pain
    • Skin problems
    • Swelling
    • Stretch marks
  • Psychological symptoms: Many mental symptoms that look normal might indicate obesity: 
    • Low self-esteem
    • Anxiety
    • Stress
    • Depression
    • Social isolation
    • shame

Prevention from Obesity

To prevent obesity and many other chronic diseases associated with it, you must make effective changes in your lifestyle and improve your living habits, which include:

    • Reduce sugar and calorie intake: To make effective changes towards a healthy life and prevention from obesity, you must limit your sugar and calorie intake; an average person should consume only 30g of sugar and 1200-1300 calories per day. 
    • Be physically active: Add more physical activities such as exercise, walking, yoga, and outdoor games in your daily life. 
    • Be mindful while shopping: when you go grocery shopping, be focused on getting healthy and fresh food rather than highly processed and sugary things.
    • Improve lifestyle: It is important to self-reflect and make your way to a healthy lifestyle by reducing screen time, indulging in outdoor activities, and joining social gatherings often.

If you are suffering from early or any stage of obesity, it is never too late to consult a doctor and start making changes in your lifestyle from the very second.


Obesity can be a health hazard and even lead to other chronic diseases such as kidney failure, cancer, fatty liver disease, and diabetes. You should always limit your screen time and routinely eat and sleep in an adequate amount, and if you feel any psychological issues such as stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, or social isolation, consult a doctor and seek therapy for your both mental and physical well-being. Always be easy on yourself and have your way to a healthy life.


Q1: How to prevent obesity?

Ans. Reduce sugar and calories, do physical activities, eat healthy, and reduce screen time.

Q2: What are the effects of obesity?

Ans. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, type II diabetes, kidney failure, and the risk of cancer are some of the effects of obesity.

Q3: What is a healthy weight?

Ans. A body mass index between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered a healthy weight.