Signs of Prostate Problems Every Man Should Know

Signs of Prostate Problems Every Man Should Know

As men, we tend to avoid talking about certain body parts and health issues down there. You know, the private areas we’d rather not think or worry about unless there’s a major problem. However, ignoring warning signs from that region can actually lead to bigger issues that are harder to treat later on.

We’re talking about your prostate – that small gland down below that plays an important role in reproductive and urinary health for guys. When the prostate starts acting up as you get older, it can seriously mess with your manhood and overall well-being if you ignore it.  Prostate problems can significantly impact your quality of life, which is why early detection and treatment by a qualified Urologist in Chandigarh is essential.

This blog isn’t about scaring you, but you need to be aware of the common signs that your prostate may not be doing well. The sooner you recognize these red flags, the quicker you can get them checked out before small problems become severe complications like chronic pain, erectile issues, or urinary nightmares.

An Excessive Urge to Go... Constantly

Let’s start with one of the most obvious potential signs of emerging prostate problems – an overwhelming, uncontrollable urge to urinate frequently. Like, feeling the desperate need to find a restroom every 60-90 minutes or so regardless of how much fluid you’re actually taking in. Medically speaking, this symptom is referred to as “urinary frequency.”

While some minor frequency increases are normal side effects of getting older, a drastic spike to where you’re stopping what you’re doing nearly hourly might point to your prostate enlargement and pressing on the bladder. If left unchecked, this urinary problem can result in issues like poor sleep, skin irritation, and recurrent bladder infections.

Issues with Flow Quality

Similarly, any major changes in your urine flow’s power or consistency could be red flags too. Having a weak, dribbling stream that stops and starts could indicate your urethra is partially blocked from prostate enlargement. Or feeling like you can’t fully empty out all the way, which allows excess urine to pool up and cause recurring UTIs. These irregularities may seem minor but ultimately impact your ability to essentially “flush” properly.

Other flow disruptions like burning during urination, strain and difficulty starting, or ejaculation problems warrant medical examination too. While occasional flow quirks happen, they could also indicate inflammation, growths, or even cancer in more serious scenarios. If you’re experiencing any of these prostate problems, consult a urologist in Chandigarh for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Prostate Problems

Persistent Low Back and Hip Pains

Since the prostate is located beneath the bladder (aka in that hip/lower abdominal territory), it makes sense that any ongoing prostate issues like enlargement or inflammation may result in pains or pressures that seem to emanate from the lower back and hip regions.

If those nagging morning aches and mobility limitations persist despite stretching, exercise, or heat therapy, it may be wise to have your doctor examine your prostate as a potential root cause. Any time you experience unexplained aches and pains that hang around longer than you’d expect, have them checked out thoroughly.

Random Fever and Chills

One lesser-known potential sign of an infected, inflamed or enlarged prostate is random fever, chills, or sweats that come and go without any other symptoms pointing to an illness bug. Since the prostate can swell up from various bacterial infections, it makes sense that your body may wage a reactive fever response trying to fight off the unwanted strain.

Don’t immediately brush off these unexplained episodes of hot flashes, rigors, or even sudden overheating. While they could indicate other medical conditions, fever definitely suggests an inflammatory response that needs professional examination to track down the source.A urologist can help determine if these symptoms are related to prostate problems.

Blood in Your Urine or Semen

Last but certainly not least, any instances of blood in your urine/semen should set off deafening alarms in your head demanding immediate prostate evaluation. While discolored discharge could certainly indicate a variety of other issues like bladder or kidney stones, urinary tract infections, or even cancer – there’s far too much at stake to ignore visible bleeding until the next appointment.

When you see something that is alarming, it’s best to remain proactive and pursue prompt testing to identify the root cause rather than automatically assuming the worst. Many potential prostate concerns causing bloody discharge can be easily treated once diagnosed properly.

For more information on prostate problems, click this link.



Don’t ignore the signals of pain, fever bleeding or anything else that simply doesn’t feel normal on a regular basis. With some self-awareness regarding what’s considered typical “aging” stuff versus legitimate cause for medical concern, you may very well save yourself a world of discomfort and complications. No amount of tough guy points is worth needlessly dismissing symptoms and compromising your overall health down there.

Taking charge of your prostate’s wellness and catching any adverse changes promptly gives you the upper hand in this very common struggle. So keep an eye out for those red flags demanding attention, gentlemen. A quick examination could make all the difference in preserving your health and quality of life for years to come.


Q: What is the prostate?

A: The prostate is a small gland in men located beneath the bladder. It plays an important role in reproductive and urinary health.

Q: Can prostate problems cause back pain? 

A: Yes, prostate issues like enlargement or inflammation can result in pains or pressures that seem to emanate from the lower back and hip regions.

Q: What are the most common prostate problems? 

A: The most common prostate problems include benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis, and prostate cancer. BPH is an enlargement of the prostate gland, prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate, and prostate cancer is a malignant growth in the prostate gland.

Q: How are prostate problems typically treated?

A: Treatment options may include medication, lifestyle changes, or in some cases, surgery. A urologist in Chandigarh will recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on your specific condition.

Q: Can prostate problems cause fever?

A: Yes, an infected or inflamed prostate can cause random fever, chills, or sweats that come and go without other illness symptoms.