Ways to Get Rid of Your Period Cramps

Ways to Get Rid of Your Period Cramps

Hello ladies! We’re part of a not-so-exclusive club that deals with a very unwelcome (and often challenging) monthly visitor – menstrual cramps. You know, that special type of torture that feels like your own body is declaring war against you. For some lucky ladies, period cramps may only amount to relatively mild discomfort for a day or two each cycle. But for those who really lucked out in the genetic lottery, these contractions can drag on for days, disrupting your entire life with their relentless cycle of misery.

So let’s explore some of the best drug-free, all-natural ways to find fast relief from those miserable monthly pangs and learn how to stop period cramps.

Self-Care Steps Worth Trying

First and foremost, start by listening to what your crampy body needs in those moments. Often, making small lifestyle adjustments can go a long way toward easing the discomfort before ever reaching for medicine:

    • Stay Hydrated: Dehydration is a surefire way to worsen already-tense muscles. Sip on water, warm herbal teas or electrolyte-replenishing drinks regularly.
    • Apply Gentle Heat: Warming pads, hot water bottles, or even just a cloth filled with warm rice can work wonders on those abdomen aches.
    • Move Your Body: Light walking, stretching, or gentle yoga poses encourage blood flow and help relax tense cramping muscles from the inside out. 
    • Soak In The Tub: Running a warm bath and adding epsom salts creates soothing, spa-like cramp relief that eases both mind and body together.
    • Switch Positions: Avoid sitting or standing in the same locked position – keep moving around and changing your positioning periodically.
    • Get Comfy: Create a cozy nest with pillows strategically placed for lower back and abdomen support for when you simply need to rest.

Often, using an intuitive mix of these home self-care strategies provides enough cramp mitigation to avoid disrupting your entire day. Don’t underestimate the benefits of pampering and allowing your body to just relax too!

How to Stop Period Cramps

Quick All-Natural Remedies to Consider

Of course, when cramping persists intensely through simple self-care routines, you may need to eventually turn your focus to some easy supplemental period pain remedies. Look for organic options containing these powerful, cramp-crushing ingredients:

    • Ginger: This potent anti-inflammatory root is widely praised for reducing excess prostaglandins that trigger muscle contractions. Chew on ginger candies or gulp ginger tea throughout your cycle. 
    • Clove Oil: Strong clove oils produce a warming, numbing sensation on cramps. Massage some into your lower abdomen while inhaling the spicy aromas too!
    • Chamomile: Steeping chamomile into teas, compresses or even face steams delivers its muscle-relaxing compounds internally and externally. Such soothing herbaceous magic.
    • Calcium & Magnesium: Mineral deficiencies can trigger extra intense uterine spasming. Load up on calcium and magnesium-rich foods or supplements.
    • CBD Oil: Fast-acting CBD oil or tinctures interact with endocannabinoid receptors to help subdue muscle tightness and overall body achiness too! 

Speaking personally, warm ginger tea with a few droppers of quality CBD oil or extract has proven revolutionary for cramp relief in a pinch. There’s just something about the potent combo of herbal warmth and targeted cannabinoid therapy that clobbers those painful uterine contractions fast!


Period day is all about identifying which natural and medical remedies work best for your unique body and hormone cycles. Whether those involve stocking up on supplements, investing in quality heating sources, or even consulting a Gynaecologist in Chandigarh about the latest interventions, don’t ever feel like you simply have to accept agonizing menstrual cramps.

So start experimenting liberally with these cramp-crushing tactics while investing in that lifetime supply of hygiene products and loose, comfy outfits. Period pain may be inevitable, but suffering from it relentlessly sure isn’t! You’ve got this, sis.


Q1. How long do period cramps typically last? 

Ans: Period cramps usually last 1-3 days, peaking within 24 hours after the start of menstruation. However, some women may experience cramps for the entire duration of their period.

Q2. Can exercise really help with period cramps? 

Ans: Yes, light exercise can help alleviate period cramps by improving blood circulation and releasing endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.

Q3: How effective are natural remedies for period pain? 

Ans: The effectiveness of natural remedies varies from person to person. While many women find relief with options like ginger tea or heat therapy, others may need additional interventions.