Everything You Need to Know About Men’s Health

Everything You Need to Know About Men’s Health

Okay boys, it’s time we have a serious talk about our health. For too long, many of us have ignored checking in on how we’re really doing physically and mentally. That classic “I’m fine, no need to go to the doctor” mentality has got to go. Prioritizing our well-being isn’t just important – it’s absolutely critical for living our fullest, most energized lives.

Whether you’re in your 20s and feel invincible or you’re hitting those later decades, getting proactive about preventive health care can quite literally be a life-saver. And it doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming either. By making a few key lifestyle adjustments and attending regular screenings, we can stay on top of any issues before they become major problems.

So let’s dive into what modern men’s health really looks like in 2024. I guarantee at least some of this info is going to be eye-opening.

First, let’s look at some hard numbers that underscore why we desperately need to change our unhealthy habits, gents.

According to researchers, men in India have a life expectancy approximately 3 years lower than women. What gives? A lot of it comes down to our propensity for engaging in riskier behaviors, not getting recommended health screenings, and putting off basic self-care until issues escalate.

For instance, heart disease is the leading killer of men. 1 in 4 guys will die from it. Yet 92% of us don’t eat the recommended servings of veggies and fruits each day. More than 1 in 5 adult men meet the criteria for binge drinking, which can lead to liver and heart damage, cancer, and other problems. Those behaviors can have hugely detrimental effects on our overall wellness – both for our bodies and minds. Men are also almost four times as likely to commit suicide than women. We’ve got to take our health seriously, period.

From erectile dysfunction to low testosterone levels, sexual health is another area where us guys could use a wake-up call. Many men suffer in silence with these highly personal issues which can seriously impact quality of life if left unchecked. Having open, honest conversations with our doctors, getting screened regularly, and taking advantage of treatments and lifestyle adjustments (like diet, exercise, avoiding bad habits) could vastly improve our sexual vitality and function as we age. 

Key Medical Screenings and Exams

No two ways about it, getting routine health screenings as recommended for things like cholesterol, diabetes, STDs, cancer, and more could be life-saving. Yet research finds only 1 in 5 men actually get regular preventive medical care.

Here are some of the top screening tests men should absolutely be prioritizing based on guidelines from health organizations and medical experts:

  • Blood pressure: Get checked at least once a year starting at age 18, more frequently if elevated
  • Cholesterol: Get tested every 2 years starting at 20 (or earlier if high risk)
  • Type 2 diabetes: Get screened for prediabetes/diabetes starting at age 35
  • Colorectal cancer: Get screened regularly starting at age 45
  • Prostate cancer: Start discussing the potential risks/benefits of screening with your doctor at age 50
  • Lung cancer: Annual low-dose CT scans if 50+ with smoking history
  • Skin cancer: Monthly self-exams, plus dermatologist screening annually
  • STD testing: Screened at least annually if sexually active

Too many men still view going to the doctor as just something to do when they’re visibly sick or injured. That mindset can literally cost us years off our lives. As unpleasant as some exams might sound, they’re much easier to deal with than advanced cancers, organ failures, or chronic diseases.

Lifestyle Habits to Start Today

Beyond medical screenings, truly robust men’s health requires daily habits that optimize all aspects of our well-being. Here are some critical lifestyle practices every man should commit to: 

  1. Physical Activity: Getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week is ideal for cardiovascular fitness, weight management, and disease prevention. Add resistance training at least twice weekly to build muscle mass and boost metabolism.
  1.   Nutrition: Loading up on lean proteins, whole grains, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats while minimizing sodium, added sugars, and saturated fats is key for energy, healthy aging, and chronic disease prevention.
  1.   Sleep Hygiene: Poor sleep is linked to heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, depression, and more. Practice good sleep habits like going to bed and waking at consistent times. Aim for 7-9 hours per night.
  1. Stress Management: Chronic high stress levels can contribute to heart issues, digestive problems, sexual dysfunction, and mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Find ways to decompress like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and spending time outdoors.
  1. Avoiding Risky Behaviors: A very important area of men’s health we often avoid discussing: quitting smoking, limiting alcohol to moderate levels, wearing protective gear during sports/dangerous activities, practicing safe sex, and avoiding illicit drug use.
  1. Mental Health Care: Conditions like depression, anxiety, addiction, anger issues – they aren’t weaknesses or things to be embarrassed about. Therapy, counseling, support groups, and medication can be tremendously helpful. Never suffer in silence.


We’ve only got one life, gents. And we owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to do everything possible to live it as vibrantly and fully as we can. By taking charge of preventive healthcare, making smart daily choices, and having a healthcare team we trust, us men have immense power to thrive through all ages and stages. And if you want to know more about your health, schedule an appointment at Hale Clinics, acclaimed as one of the Best Multi Specialty Clinics in Mohali.

No more shrugging off health concerns or insisting we’re “fine” when deep down we know something needs attention. It’s time to ditch that unhealthy tough guy mentality once and for all. Taking control of our well-being is one of the most masculine things we can do. Let’s show our bodies and minds the love and diligence they deserve.


1. Why is it important for men to prioritize their health?

A: Men have a lower life expectancy than women on average, often due to riskier behaviors, lack of preventive care, and neglecting self-care until issues escalate. Prioritizing health through screenings and lifestyle changes can help men live fuller, more energized lives.

2. What are some key medical screenings men should get regularly?

A: Men should get screened regularly for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer (if smoker), skin cancer, and STDs based on age and risk factors.

3. What lifestyle habits are critical for robust men’s health?

A: Key habits include regular physical activity, a nutritious diet, good sleep hygiene, stress management, avoiding risky behaviors like smoking/excessive drinking, and taking care of mental health.

4. Why is preventive healthcare so important for men?

A: Preventive care like screenings and lifestyle adjustments can catch issues early before they become major, potentially life-threatening problems.

5. How can men improve their sexual health?

A: Having open conversations with doctors, getting screened, and making lifestyle improvements like diet and exercise can help with issues like erectile dysfunction and low testosterone as men age.

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